Here comes the New Year! And I want to GIVE YOU a GIFT 🎁 🎉
Could your LinkedIn Profile use a tune-up?
If you haven't seen it before (and even if you have!), I invite you to take advantage of my free video training on LinkedIn!
This on-demand video training is about 1 hr 15 min. It opens with my "intro to social media" - some key concepts about social media in general. Then, we go deep into more specific information about using LinkedIn: How to Craft your Profile, Best Practices, Using the Advanced Search filters, and top tips and action steps!
It's that time of year and people are booking the speakers for their events in 2022.
Do you know of a podcast or event that caters to business owners and entrepreneurs?
Please introduce them to CJ Gilbert - Web Geek & Web Safari Guide!
I'm honored to appear on The Silicon Valley Podcast with Shawn Flynn !
Shawn and I discussed:
In this private training, CJ teaches about using LinkedIn for your business and professional endeavors!
He presents some key concepts about social media in general, and then goes into more information about using LinkedIn specifically: How to Craft your Profile, Best Practices, Using the Advanced Search filters, and top tips and action steps!
This free on-demand 7-pt video series will give you 5 Keys to Unlock the Mysteries of Your Website and Find its Hidden Profit.
Buckle up for a web-jungle tour that promises to reveal ways to improve your Search, Sales and Customer Service allowing you to Save Money, Save Time, and Serve your Clients Better, Faster & Easier!
Learn More & Sign Up at!
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